Buying Speciality Coffee Online

Why Buy Speciality Coffee Online?


It is pretty safe to say that coffee is a household staple and necessity. It’s the energy in the form of liquid that people need to start their day right and get going.

Most speciality coffee shops are starting to offer monthly coffee subscriptions and coffee bean deliveries. Because a lot of local speciality coffee shops are making the switch to online sales, it won’t be hard for you to find the best coffee beans to have at your home. Here are some reasons your next bag of coffee should be bought online:

Speciality coffee is high-grade certified coffee beans that are farmed and processed in traceable regions all over the world. These green beans are then shipped to your local roasters who create different roast profiles for each bean. They then hold a coffee cupping session wherein they assess if these coffees are ready for production.

The great thing about speciality coffee is its traceability, meaning you’ll know where these types of coffees come from, the elevation of which they were grown, whether they were natural or washed processed, and even its lot number and farmer. With all this information, you are drinking a cup of coffee with a story.



A common myth is that freshly roasted coffee tastes best. What many people don’t realise is that you’re supposed to let your coffee rest after roasting. That is because the coffee beans have gasses to release that may affect its flavour when ground and brewed right away, usually leading to a bitter taste if ground too soon.

Most roasters would say that their beans reach their peaks at around two to four weeks. That is the window in which coffee tastes best. Local roasters will make sure to time the delivery of your coffee to when it is at its peak so that you can enjoy great tasting coffee at home.

Since speciality coffee shops are now offering monthly subscriptions, you will be able to receive coffee that has been roasted in time for you to have them at its peak, for a fuller flavour profile and overall better coffee experience.

There is a vast difference between commercial grade coffee and speciality coffee. One of the most significant differences is the people behind the beans. Speciality coffee farmers and producers meticulously grow high-quality coffee and personally hand-pick these coffees to ensure that each bag of green beans is of the best quality.

Small-batch roasters then select which harvest they would like. These roasters will have to make sure they are roasting these coffees well to get their target flavour notes. Each local roaster has its own style, which will help make their flavours shine.



Speciality coffee roasters and shops put a lot of thought into delivering the best quality coffee and experience to their customers. When you buy coffee online, most of the details you need to know are there—coffee information, its roast date so you can track its peak, and even brewing tips. You’ll always be guaranteed with a delicious cup of coffee every morning!

Did you know, The Proper Coffee Co. also have a Speciality Coffee Club? Sending you a different coffee from the currently available, in-season speciality coffee every week or month! Aside from the very best coffee beans, you can also browse through our selection of coffee gear too!